Wednesday, May 27, 2009

THING 45: Cloud Computing

I investigated many of the sites listed to learn about cloud computing. Amazon, Google, Microsoft and Yahoo are some of the major cloud computing service providers.
Everyone who uses the internet probably uses these providers for something. It was interesting for me to read that the term cloud computing probably originated in the telecom industry with the term telecom cloud. I'll have to ask my husband about this as he works in the telephone industry. Some days he wishes all the problems would float away in a cloud!
I think the idea of accessing your personalized desktop from anywhere should be of great interest to a lot of people. They could access their information from anywhere that they happened to be. Backing up data is always important and no method seems to be foolproof. Maybe it's not the methods but the humans that can't be made foolproof.
Sometimes it seems scarey that all this information is out there for anyone who finds a way to access it.

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